Windows app that includes Python API

Sorry all, this is a bit of a weird one to express in writing, but I used to have an app that was basically a vessel for all sorts of downloadable Documentation Libraries, including a rhinoscriptsyntax API with great breakdowns and examples of code.

I had to do a fresh Windows install a while back, and I can’t seem to find my backup for this particular app – nor can I remember the name OR what type of animal it is in order to do a decent online search for it. :sweat_smile:

Anybody have any thoughts, other than laughing emojis at the complete lunacy of this post?



Are you just looking for the local help file?

– Dale

Thanks for taking a shot at this, @dale, but no, it’s a third-party app. :grinning:

I do remember the icon for it looked like a book. And you could search for a whole assortment of API documents/help files, and download them into the app. Then you could search from inside the app, and find code snippets and samples, etc.

Got it:

Zeal - Offline Documentation Browser (

Dash for macOS - API Documentation Browser, Snippet Manager - Kapeli

Creator wrote this:
Dash-like apps for other platforms have been released. Check out Dash for iOS, Velocity for Windows, Zeal for Linux and LovelyDocs for Android.
in his Blog post which can be read here: Dash for iOS, Android, Windows or Linux - Kapeli Blog

Original Thread by @dan