Is there a way to schedule the sill height of a window in a Table. The dimension shows up in an Opening Elevation so it is buried in there somewhere but I don’t see how to include it in a Table. Thanks!
Hi Thomas,
That’s not possible in a direct way. The information of the style components, such as the sill dimensions (or the frame dimensions), can’t be listed in tables. The only option to do this is create a custom parameter called “i.e: sill thickness”, and assign the value directly to the window. Then you will be able to add this parameter in the table as a new property field.
I see, so there is no current way to reference this dimension in a table?
I’m not sure what parameter this sill height above would be called in the syntax. But there is clearly some way it is being correctly calculated.
I could potentially put together a grasshopper script to reference the height, but the elevation seems to be based on absolute values, not relative values based on the nearest level or host. So if my building level is at 100’, the window elevation would show up as 103’, not 3’ off the floor.
You can assign base level and base offset of objects. You can also have them associated with levels in VA Level Manager through grasshopper.
Hi @arcus,
As you say, elevation is calculated with absolute values. You can create a Grasshopper definition to automatically calculate the elevation relative to the host or nearest level; this definition could create also a parameter with this value so that you can display it afterwards in your table.
So this is the basic script I made. It is based on a generic global parameter called Above Finish Floor (AFF). I saw in a different thread that the next update should allow us to make parameters for specific objects, such as windows. That will be helpful so I can make a specific parameter for windows called Sill Height. However, it would be great to be able to calculate this automatically rather than push a property update through grasshopper.
@archist97 those AttributeUserTexts look fancy! What are the parameters you used to set that up? That could be really helpful! (9.4 KB)
Hi @arcus,
You can already create parameters by object. You can use the “Create Object Parameter” component for that.
I will add this to our list; I think it would be interesting as well.
Thanks Alfonso,
It looks like I can make the parameters global to the project or unique to the Object Style (like a Casement Double Window) and these will show up in the schedule.
But I don’t see how to make a parameter for all objects of a type (like Windows in general) and have them show up in a schedule. I have to make the parameter for each one and set the table to look for each style if I want to schedule it.
However, I think I saw in a different thread that you had added an option to create a Project Parameter that was specific only to Object Types. Like a project wide parameter called Sill that only showed up for any type of Windows. That would be perfect.
Hi @arcus,
We have an entry in our list to create parameters by object type, but we haven’t implemented it yet, do you remember which thread did you read this in? Anyway, I will add your vote to this feature so that we will keep you updated when we have news about it.
Thanks. I believe it may have been this discussion, which is basically describing the same request. So it looks like it is already in the works.
Hi @arcus I let you know here (although I guess you know that already), that in VisualARQ 3 it is possible to apply filters to custom parameters by Object Types and by Layers: