Window does not trim multi layer wall lines in plan views

This has probably been discussed before, but I couldn’t find a thread…

Window does not trim multi layer wall lines in plan views


Hi @dora.varszegi,

This could happen because the wall style has the wrapping at openings value set to None.

Let me know if this works.

Kind regards

Hi @dora.varszegi,

The window is actually trimming all the wall layers, but the lines you’re seeing are the edge between the layers.

As @RamonC suggested, enabling openings wrapping should fix the issue. Adding a sill to the window or making the frame depth equal to the wall thickness should work also.


Thank you for both of you taking your time to help. I just checked, unfortunately it looks like wrapping of the openings is set to exterior. Yes, indeed it is the edges bleeding through.

And subcomponents wrap at ‘ends and openings’.

Hi @dora.varszegi ,

If this is still not working after you changed those values, please send the model to