Why Some of My Walls Attached to The Doors and Windows

Hi, does anyone know why some of my walls are attached to my doors and windows, especially their frames? I wanted to separate each part of my house from being attached to each other. Does anyone know step-by-step how to separate and detach the doors, windows, and their frames from the walls? If so, please help.

Thank you,


Cozy Home.3dm (611.9 KB)

Hi Damon - best to start at the beginniong - please see



As a further pointer, your structure is a Brep. The door, windows, etc. are built in, some with extrusions.

McNeel has good docs on Breps and how they work.

Hey Nathan,

I didn’t know that. Where can I find the docs for my Brep?

(got a pm and a reply, responded to both)

Not so much for yours as what a Brep is in Rhino.

It looks to me (I am not even close to a Rhino modeling expert… I use it as a UI for engineering problems) like you have a building defined by its walls and cutouts.

So you have a solid wall with cut out window pieces. It looks like some extrusions were created to do the work.

Breps are basically a surface with corners (vertices), edges, and faces.

Here are some descriptions of what Breps are:
Rhino - Brep Data Structure (rhino3d.com)
More Info on Solids in Rhino [McNeel Wiki]