Why my chamfer doesn't work?

Hello! I was trying to chamfer this dome on these edges, but failed. Do you have any ideas why this happened?
It works when I do this on one edge chain, but when I try to choose all of the edges, and increase the radius slightly, it suddenly breaks.

domevoronoi_dif_dim_forum.gh (1.0 MB)

Judging from your screenshot, the polysurface that you want to chamfer edges for and the edge indices probably don’t correspond, since the latter stem from a different source and not the polysurface. Make also sure that the chamfer distance is appropriate. If it’s too large, the chamfers will fail.

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In your case the indices do not correspond. You need to use the same geometry on the B input of Edges from Points and the S input of Fillet Edge.

In addition to that problem, your edges have discontinuities and they don’t chamfer nicely in Rhino. that owuld always be the first test when fillets in GH fail. Try in Rhino.

I think you should first extrude the voronoi cells and only then fillet the edges.

I only repaired one of your subtracting voronoi shapes and duplicated it for the sake of having not just one hole. Filetring the correct edge indices might seem complicatedd at first but it really isn’t. You can extract all convex edges, all edges within a certain proximity to the outer surface of the dome and all edges where the mid point is higher than a specified level. The intersection of the three sets are the edge indices you want to chamfer.

domevoronoi_mrtn.gh (262.1 KB)

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In addition to what @martinsiegrist pointed out about discontinuities, this seam that probably stems from the sphere that you started with is possibly the most problematic.

You can easily get rid of it though, because you’re only using half of a sphere.
At the beginning, simply rotate the sphere so that the entire seam is on the half that you’re getting rid of. You’ll end up with a seam-less, smooth spherical dome that is probably less prone to give you errors.


Thanks for your time and effort. Unfortunatelly, I can not rotate the sphere, because my client is providing me geometry I work with. And I am not sure I can easely rebuild inner and outer dome without losing rigidity of the brep. I mean, it becomes an open brep at the end. I ended up creating my own fillet, using pipe brep intersection.

thanks Martin!

As mentioned above, you will have to subtract first and then fillet edges. Then chamfer.

If you were to fix the sphere seam like @diff-arch suggested, the edges chamfer fine.

domevoronoi_dif_dim_forum_noplugins.gh (245.2 KB)

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Ohhh… Thank you, that really makes difference… Such capricious component!

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