Fillet Edge

Hi :slight_smile:
I am a beginner to a grasshopper.

I am trying to make a chamfer (parametric) on top like in the picture shown through gh.
Could someone help me create this one? I tried to use fillet edge and left the script uncompleted :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!

Fillet (9.3 KB)

Fillet (12.9 KB)

P.S. Oh wait, I just noticed that your horizontal and vertical offsets are not the same…


Yes, there is a RhinoCommon method I’m sure someone will be glad to implement.

I may suggest using Edges From Points to retrieve the edges index (using the edge middle as a reference).

As a workaround for the 2-dimensional chamfer, here are two methods, one building sweeps and subtracting the solids, the other one building the box with the chamfer with Loft.

Fillet (16.7 KB)

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Fillet (18.0 KB)

You’ll have to fix the units yourself, looks like you mixed up inches for the box and millimeters for the chamfer offsets (blue group).

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Thank you much @Joseph_Oster and @magicteddy for all these solutions :pray:
I am going through those solutions and will let you know if i did not understand anything in there. :+1:

@magicteddy wondering why shift paths was done to get the data from back? why not simply connecting offset curve to merge component does not work? :innocent:
could you explain me in a very basic way?

This is a problem with the Merge component and the fact that single items ot lists still have a branch number associated with them, that cannot be simplified.


Due to internal reasons, the Offset Curve component adds a tree level so the curve ends up in the {0;0} branch, whereas the other ones are in the {0} branch. If you merge them directly, you end up with a tree with two branches, and not a list of three elements, which is what we want for the Loft to work.

Other options are : flatten all inputs of the Merge component (quite barbarian in my opinion)
Use Suirify component
Use my Smart Merge component (from this thread Multiple node connecting - #6 by magicteddy) - but be careful that if you send the definition to someone that doesn’t have the plugin installed, it won’t work.

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You could flatten the ‘Curves’ input to Loft, as I did.

If curve sequence is important, you can use Entwine instead of Merge first, then flatten its output instead of the ‘Curves’ input to Loft.


Wow excellent :slight_smile:

With these solutions I could know many other components and how it works. It’s exactly what i was looking for. :pray:

The reply you marked as “Solution”, important as it may be, doesn’t address the topic of this thread.

Actually, it solved my problem which is why I marked as solution. :innocent:
I am kind of new here …So are you saying Its not recommended to do that?

Yes, I am saying it’s not recommended to do that.

Flattening a data tree is a separate issue from “Fillet Edge”, which is what this thread is about.

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