A solid body (Brep) was obtained by extracting one solid from the other. An error occurs when creating chamfers (R=750) on all vertical edges using the “Fillet Edge” command. The maximum number of edges for which this command works is 6. When adding the seventh edge the failed message occurs “1. Fillet edge operation failed”. What could be the problem?
Thanks for quick response, Tom
I’ve corrected the geometry of the edges by the _edgeContinuity command.
I tried in Rhino the _FilletEdge command – as a result the face chamfers are distorted (Fig. 3).
If I use the _BlendEdge command chamfers are created on 2 edges, and on the 3rd edge everything breaks completely (Fig. 4-5). Brep_03-10.3dm (3.8 MB)
maybe you should use another approach to create the breps ?
or do some rebuilding / clean - up before fillet ?
a fast and simple approach would be:
dupEdge (the main edges of the curved bar)
rebuild (with same parameters for all 4 curves)
loft (option straight section)
→ fillet will work
Fillet Edge is fragile and often breaks, unfortunately. I added ‘40’ to the list of edges, then reduced radius until it appeared to work (200) but the result is “Invalid Brep”.
Unless your object must be exactly as it is, I would highly recommend rebuilding it.
I baked your object and extracted two sections with the YZ plane, rebuilt the curves in Grasshopper and created a new Sweep2. The resulting polysurface can be capped and has 12 edges.
The problem with your rebuilding approach is that you need to manually type in the edge numbers. The current polysurface contains one small edge you forgot. Even with that edge, sorting the curves is challenging.
I think the rebuilding could be automated:
cull the edges of the top and bottom surfaces
join the +/- vertical edges
align all four edges so their start point is at the bottom
sort the curves
create edge surfaces with two pairs
loft the edge surfaces
The four edge indices for the fillets can be found by extracting all edges that aren’t part of the top and bottom surface and then it’s the set difference…