@jdhill Thank you for testing it on your system. I appreciate the help trying to figure out what’s going on with this.
The thing that’s bugging me is that I don’t get this if I’m not in a block, but I do if I’m in a block, and no background process could possibly know if I was in a block or not. This is very odd indeed.
I think that is true as well, however I don’t know why I have such a habit of crtl/shift insert… I would say that it’s from the old DOS Days, which is true, it worked back then, but I think so did ctrl c/v. My father who is 78 and has been programming since the punch card days on mainframes uses ctrl c/v as well… so I have no idea why I use that. I’m glad Rhino uses ctrl/shift insert, but not everything does. QuickBooks does NOT and I keep stumbling every time I use it because I can’t copy or paste with insert. only ctrl c/v work.
Anyway… there seems to be something going on with Shift-Insert, but it’s not straight forward at all.
If I Blockedit and do shift-insert then move I get the boing…
If I Blockedit and do ctrl-v the move I don’t get it… but…
If I stay in blockedit… and then do more shift-inserts then move… I don’t get it anymore.
now if I exit blockedit… go back into blockedit and then do shift-insert first I get the boing again… so… weird
doing one ctrl-v fixes it and then it never happens again… unless I close the blockedit and do another blockedit. then it behaves the same way again.
I would say I will just use ctrl-v… but nope, that is NEVER going to happen… I am too stuck in my ways I’m afraid. I know for a fact that shift-insert won’t work in QuickBooks, yet I hit it every single time… even if it was 10 seconds since it failed.
So I made a button that does
and I don’t get the boing… but… it I cancel the move, and type move on the command line, I get the boing as soon as I hit enter
even weirder… if I do shift-insert then use the normal move button from the move toolbar… I don’t get a boing… but if I then move it somewhere then type move and hit enter, it boings again… even though I didn’t do a paste right before the move.
if I make my custom button do:
and then type Move, hit enter… and it boings again! it’s something to do with typing Move which is another habit.
so what I have figured out is:
you need to be in BlockEdit
Shift-Insert needs to be used for the Paste first… if crtl-v is first then shift-insert doesn’t cause the issue anymore as long as you are in BlockEdit
Move must be typed on the command line. using the Move button does not ever cause the issue
even if you use the move button and don’t get the boing, if you then type move, you get it as soon as you hit enter… even if paste was not the last thing to happen
using the _paste command seems to behave the same as pushing ctrl-v no boing and then shift-insert also does not after using _paste
All this is very odd because shift-insert just does _paste… and using the Move button should be the same as typing move sooo ??? I’m confused.
I’m wondering if a plugin or something is causing this odd situation. I do have RhinoCAM, which is just massive but I unload it unless I’m using it… but maybe it’s leaving something even though it’s unloaded?
If you don’t mind, could you please try my test file again using nothing but ctrl-insert/shift-insert and type Move, since it seems that needs to be the sequence that triggers it and ctrl-v seems to make shift-insert work for subsequent pastes.