Someone care to explain this please? Meaning, why, and how the use of it differ from standard HSV where S and V go from 0.0 to 1.0
As a side note, Grasshopper HSV goes up to 1.0. Seems a little incoherent to me.
Someone care to explain this please? Meaning, why, and how the use of it differ from standard HSV where S and V go from 0.0 to 1.0
As a side note, Grasshopper HSV goes up to 1.0. Seems a little incoherent to me.
incoherent, no, just different standard.
if you consider 0 - 0% and 255 = 100%
then 0.0 = 0% and 1.0 = 100%
You’ll find that in Rhino all colors use 8-bit-per-channel encoding, just check the color picker.
Honestly, why do you even care, the human eye cannot differentiate 16 million different colors. Even if it does, the brain will refuse to process that information. Pick some colors that you like and write down their hex or 0-255 or float values.
I use this site:
Okay! Thank you all!
We had some issues with a client asking for 180, 100, 100.
And naturally we noticed it can be refer to 255 or actually 100 within Rhino.
As a side note, I was talking about the HSV component where it goes from 0 to 1. Guess I will have some remapping work to do.