I get a white border while rendering with a transparent background and a shadow plane (ground plane shadows only).
I tested it in two mac systems (one Intel and one Silicon) - both the same. Same results with and without denoising.
It is not related to a specific file - every file the same border.
It is a known issue ( RH-84042 Ground Plane - Shadows only, grainy edges in render) on the list of @DavidEranen . The issue is not visible for public due to material used in the description. But I’ve added your topic to the item for tracking.
What do you mean add you? This topic has already been added to tthe YT item and when it is fixed and release there will be a notification in this topic.
Hey all, I turn off the ground plane with transparent background and I’m still seeing this kind of white border when I place the image on a darker background. Is this a similar situation?