where is the precision of dimensions set/adjusted in Rhino 7 ?? there’s currently only 2 digits to the right of the decimal and I’d like 4 for what I’m working on. thanks
where is the precision of dimensions set/adjusted in Rhino 7 ?? there’s currently only 2 digits to the right of the decimal and I’d like 4 for what I’m working on. thanks
Hi Art - that is set per style in DocumentPropertied > Annotation Styles.
thanks for your replay. agree “inch decimal” can be set in File>Document Properties>Annotation Styles> that said, where do I adjust/set the number of digits to the right of the decimal?
ps: the answer would make a very helpful addition to “help”; there’s currently nothing on dimension precision…
Hi Art -
Document Properties > Annotation Styles > _[your_style]_ > Length units > Linear resolution
See: Rhinoceros Help
thanks for your reply!! can get as far as File>Document Properties>Annotation Styles> at which point I don’t recognize any further options. how is _[your_style] accessed in the pull down? when I type “linear resolution” into the help function it takes me to https://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/7/help/en-us/index.htm#search-linear resolution which is different that your example…? is there more than one way/place to request help??
Hi Art - click the little arrow to the left of ‘Annotation Styles’
thanks; finally got there!!
Hi Pascal,
hope it’s okay to pick up and old thread. Working in Rhino 8 for Mac and followed your instuctions to find linear resolution np
However I changed this from 1/4" to 1/32" in linear resolution but when I close the settings window am still only getting 1/4" when I measure a distance… saved file and reopened but still no joy. Thoughts please?
@bssquared can you share a sample file?