What's the advantage of using Rhino.Inside materials nodes?

I’m a little new to Rhino.Inside, but I’m very interested in parametric modeling and automation strategies that make work flows better. I’m wondering what the advantage of using Rhino.Inside to edit/add materials to Revit is. How can that possibility best be used? It seems to me that if you are just trying to change one material its better to just do that in Revit. What am I missing? Can you not assign material in Revit to instances created in Revit through Rhino.Inside? Any insight would be helpful. Thank you.

Hi Liam,

There are a number of cases i’ve seen where adding materials via RiR has been invaluable.

Here the user is creating over 6000 materials (not saying this is a great idea)

Creating a custom material for Curtain Wall Panels that match the name and designation is another good one.

Anywhere where you are looking to be more data driven where you want to align a particular property with a visual material/name.

Editing one material isn’t going to be as quick as the ui, but finding a particular material in comparison with a list of possibilities (if it was used or not) is a simple exercise.