What is the RhinoDebugMessages.txt file?


What is this weird file that pops up frequently in my home folder (on macOS) and why does it manifest itself there?

These are its contents:

Windows version information:
	Apple macOS Version 14.5 (Build 23F79)

Rhino information:
	Build Date: 2024-07-12

19:35:56	WriteClearFile starting. Filename: /Users/Shared/McNeel/Rhinoceros/8.0/License Manager/Licenses/[REDACTED].lic	[ZooDebugLogging.cs line 12]	Command: [none]

19:35:56	CRmaLicense::GetDaysUntilExpiration() failed (expiration date invalid)	[/Users/bozo/TeamCity/buildAgent/work/[REDACTED]/src4/ProductLicenseSystem/RmaLicense/rmalicense.cpp line 1401]	Command: [none]

“Windows version”? “/Users/bozo”???

The home folder is my domain! Please put it somewhere else, maybe in “Library/ApplicationSupport/McNeel”?
I had to delete this at least 50 times in the last few months.


You probably ran the command TestEnableDebugLogging at some point in the past. Run it again and make sure it is not enabled


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Done! Thanks for hint.

It’s back!

And TestEnableDebugLogging got turned back on.

Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 11.07.05

As far as I’m aware, it wasn’t me! I turned it off last time.

User bozo is back spamming my user folder on macOS!

Could it be that TestEnableDebugLogging gets automatically switched on each time Rhino is updated, or crashes, or when a release candidate gets installed?

There doesn’t seem to be a keyboard shortcut that I can accidentally hit to activate it.

@diff-arch I don’t know what is going on, but I logged this to ensure it stays on someones radar: RH-85399 Reportedly debug logging gets automatically enabled

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Hey @diff-arch I’m looking into it. I had this file on my mac too. I’m not sure when it shows up, but I’ll try to figure it out.

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Thanks. Yesterday or the day before I updated Rhino to the latest release and it got turned back on again.

It seems like the checked option, doesn’t automatically create the file. My theory is that when Rhino crashes or fails to connect to the licensing server or something similar, it is now entitled to dump the file.

I’m scripting quite a lot in Rhino and Grasshopper, and thus do a lot of things that crash Rhino. This is not the fault of the program, but my own for not writing better, more stable code.