What is the best plugin / component to export multiple objects generated by GH to multiple Rhino files?

There’re some changes in the latest version of Pancake.

If you use “Export As”, which utilizes Rhino to export, the behavior is consistent.

But “Export 3DM” (the specialized 3DM version) doesn’t copy layer styles from the current document until the latest Pancake version (>= “Export 3DM” makes use of File3dm and is independent from Rhino’s interface. The component doesn’t support all kind of geometry, though.

The data trick here is that Geo, Layer and ObjAttr accepts lists (singleton is considered as 1-sized list). You can do multi-targetted export by grafting and combining lists.

export.gh (31.4 KB)

@osuire, As for your example file, it’s quite easy since the data is all organized and the same-named layer has the same layer color. (Notice you cannot use Export 3DM (much faster), but only Export As if you are using older versions of Pancake)

Data to export to 3dm.gh (47.4 KB)