I have a 4 sided triangle box formed of 1.01mm thick sheets (for plastic card) with caps both ends and wish to lay it out to print a cutting plan from, to cut the card then glue and make good.
is there a command to take this crude assembly and flatten it out ?
that explodes the single sheet of plastic !
My plastic card sheets styrene sheets are 1.01mm thick, 6 of them make up this box.
I need the 6 sheets laid out so as to lay it onto the plastic card sheet cut around each 4 sided object and end up with 6 pieces to glue together.
Hi, firstly I try ctrl shift and select one surface from each of the 6, then type unrollsrf and it asks me to select surfaces !
so try again, type unrollsrf and hit enter, I then use ctrl shft and select the top and it vanishes as if the selection fails but it says creating meshes.
havent selected the remaining 5 yet !
as such nothing appears,
try again, and again.
each time that top surface gets selected then unselects itself, so I select it again, continue to select the other 5 and hit enter but nothing happens.
The orient command would work in this case as well. Allowing you to select an object, pick two reference points on the object, then 2 points to place (in this case planar xy)