I am manufacturing the sides for a bumper that will be laser cut and then folded in several steps.
but I am having a series of problems.
- I can create the ruled surface using the DevLoft command
But this generates two problems. One of them is that it creates too many isocurves and they don’t help me to use them as folding guide lines. I also need to unroll the surface and this generates two more problems: (A) the original isocurves of the piece change; which is very difficult to know where to mark the folding lines to create the piece thought and (B) it is difficult to identify how the piece goes once deployed, for this I must make a cut on one side to identify the correct orientation.
The isocurves are not the same, and they are not arranged in the same
not identified
I would like this to be identified, by means of colors it can be.
Once I have this, I must generate a ruled polysurface to create flat faces and then I must find every angle between those surfaces to know how much to fold the piece. I achieve this using the Rebuild commands in “grade 1” and DivideAlongCreases.
All I need is to unwind everything with the labels of the angles between faces. to generate the plans
BUMPER-dEV.3dm (656.8 KB)