What command to cut out all text and objects from surface in one go?

Hi, V5

I need to trim out all the unwanted bits of surface for these sunken texts, and raised objects (surfaces not solids)

apart from doing each one one at a time, as I have started to do, is there a command that will trim surface from within these items all in one go ?

If I drag box select them all and group them, then select the surface and run the command ?

SR4 2nd attempt cure all non manifolds v6 forum version.3dm (14.1 MB)


these are grouped but single surfaces…
why ?

work with curves and _curveBoolean as much as possible.
Curve Boolean has a surface output in newer versions and got rewritten - in v7 (not 100% sure when)

do you still have the curves of the text ?

workflow with a few mouseclicks:
left to right

(2 and 3… sorry they are the same)
explode the text

curveBoolean with output surface


dont have curves of text, also all the other boxes and bits, as they were drawn to come down and touch the surface, boolean diff wont work, trim is needed instead.

so having just selected all the crosses, again rather than trim each bit away, one command to trim the surface within the boxes would be useful.
also the insides of the bars.
mass trim these items.3dm (3.7 MB)


_scale1d in front view to get more z-height - just for easier working
_dupEdge from frontview
_selDup to remove duplicated curves
_selclosedCrv _hide
now clean up everything that is not closed…
use the curveBoolean workflow with curves shown above.

That’s my two cents

kind regards -tom