Weird Arctic Preview of a smooth surface in Rhino 6 and 7

Hi everybody,

I have some weird Arctic preview problems. The surface that you see here is actually smooth as you can see on the shaded preview window, however, the arctic preview and also a preview with an environmental map show some weird triangulations and I see shadows that shouldn’t be there.

Does anybody have a fix for this?

I also have problems with a preview of the edges of surfaces that are split by the same curved edge. It shows a weird hole in the geometry where the edges touch. I hope this is a somehow understandable explanation of the problem.

I guess it has something to do with this mesh preview that rhino uses, but still, is it possible to fine-tune the meshing so I get a smoother preview?

I have the latest drivers from Nvidia, Running RTX 2070 Super and also 8 Core Ryzen 7

Here also some pictures of the problem:

The problem with the edges touching but the surface still looks jagged

This is a Vray interactive preview, still the same problem

Thanks in advance!

Render Mesh can be adjusted in Options>Mesh


more info here

Thank you very much!