Jagged appearance of clean surface

Hi all,

I have been experiencing some strange jagged appearance when constructing a 4-sided surface.

I have tried to modify the mesh settings, but it doesn’t improve.

However, in the surface analysis (env. map) it shows as a clean and smooth surface.

It just started happening recently. Anybody know’s what is going on?

The render mesh setting may be too coarse.

If changing the render mesh settings don’t fix the problem upload a .3dm file with the problem.

Hi David,
Thanks for your reply.
I have tried various mesh settings, as I already indicated. Thing is, I have been using Rhino for many years and this is happening more and more recently when creating surfaces, I found.
I’m working on Windows, but colleague of mine who is working on Mac experiences the exact same problem.

Please find the test-file below.

jagged_surface.3dm (148.8 KB)

Try moving the “Density” setting from 0.0 to 1.0. The render mesh with 0.0 is very coarse.

It seems to be a quirk or bug with that particular lighting mode, it’s ‘Arctic’ or something based off of it?

@JimCarruthers I think there is some self shading issues caused by the fact that the posted surface is a bit twisted, and with the original mesh setting this results in triangles with awkward aspect ratio.

@shakedesign In addition to the proposed change in density, set aspect ratio to something between 4 and 10, that should help with surfaces like these to avoid this issue.

Thanks you both for your reply.

Strange thing is that this never occured before ( have been using Rhino for almost 20 years) . And even in the shading (ground plane shadows) you can find the triangular artefacts.

.@Gijs Where do youset the aspect ratio to 4 -10? I can set the render mesh quality (simple) to 1.0 and then the artefacts also diasappear, but I guess that’s not what you mean…?

But as said, this never happend before.

Click on details in that window and you get more meshing options.
FYI: I opened your file in Rhino 6 and it showed the exact same issue with the same settings, so it could be that the mesh settings for default have changed. I will try to find if this is the case.

Usually I work with the following settings that give the overall best results:

I keep all parameters set to ‘0’, except the ‘Max distance, edge to surface’.
But now these setting give triangular artefacts as well for the ‘Smooth & Slower’ preset.

Surprising to hear that opening the file in RH6 also shows the same arftefacts…
Anyway, I gues I’ll have to play a bit more with these settings. Apparently the default settings have changed ‘behind the scenes’ like you mentioned.:wink: