Website to view and install packages

Hi, I made a website to get a bit more info about Rhino packages than what is available using the _PackageManager command:
GitHub repo:

You can:

  • Filter for Grasshopper or Rhino plugins.
  • Sort by number of downloads or last updated.
  • Filter by same publisher.
  • Filter for Rhino version compatibility.
  • Filter for Windows and Mac compatibility.

I think Food4Rhino is working on better integrating Yak packages, so this might become obsolete soon.


Super nice! Are you inspecting the packages to know if there is a gha or rph inside?

Yes, it checks inside the .yak file(s) of the lastest version to see if there’s an .rhp or .gha. It’s done in advance and cached, so should run a background process from time to time to check for package updates.

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Btw I think our last conversation might have planted the idea for this :smile:

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It should load faster now.
I was using a free “serverless” backend to filter and serve the packages, but it takes between 1 to 10 seconds to resume from a cold start. There are only about 500 packages, so can be filtered and sorted directly in the browser.

The backend is only used now for a background task that checks for changes and updates a ~200kb json file with all the packages.

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GitHub repo:

Pretty Neat! Thanks for making it open source! :raised_hands:

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