Weaverbird Quad Subdivision result on curved surface

Hi Community,

I’m trying to get weaverbird quad subdision on result on multiple curves surfaces that fits together
The problem is, the codes only takes polyline of straight segments, not the curved segment I want
My constraints are:
1 I want the weaverbird quad subdivision’s topology (tri-remesh gave good triangle results but, it’s all triangles))
2 the points on edges of neighboring surfaces need to line up exactly. So if two surfaces next to each other, the vertices of their meshes on the shared edge must be the same (quad rems is also good but, I can’t figure out way to make it preserve sharp corners on the surfaces, like weaverbird does)
Could you please give me som guidance on how to make it work?

wb_quad_on_curved_surface.gh (70.7 KB) ← my file shows the weaverbird result. I want it to transfer to the original curve surface, so that many patches of these can be joined to form one mesh

Thanks so much!

I don’t have Weaverbird installed and can’t recall what the component you mention exactly does. However, since you like the general output of the tri remesher, why don’t you use the quad remesher instead?


Thanks for your help diff-arch! This is a great way to get squares indeed. The difficulty with quadremesh here is that, I need each brep piece to be meshed separately. Quadremesh can’t seem to make sure that vertices on the edge shared by neighboring brep pieces are exact matches

You could remesh them separately and realign the vertices after the fact. You just need to make sure that you have the same number of vertices along the shared border.
Or you could remesh them together and rearrange the vertices near the former shared border to reform/reinstate it, and then split the mesh along it to get back the two parts.