I have done nearly all of my saves, since starting to use Rhino, as small saves.
Lately, the default to save textures (in folder) on Save Small has been causing problems.
I keep all the textures for a project–with the project.
At one time, it was possible to do an incremental-save-small (without textures) but that has been broken for some time.
So wait what’s happening exactly? It’s saving the textures when you savesmall?
I went in to the advanced options and turned off everything to so with embedding textures. I don’t think it was doing that for me, but I indeed got sick of every SaveAs or Export asking for the blasted feature that just guarantees it will eventually lose track of the textures. Too bad I can’t do the same to just take away the option to ever NOT SaveSmall.
It is more difficult to do a save small–without textures than it was before. Now, if you want to one, you always have to go through the complete dialog.
Some time ago, someone had written a script to incremental-save-small, but apparently, the underlying functionality was broken in a later build.
In the spirit of versioning, when I work on a project, I do an additional save each day it is worked on–and just before major changes.
Every single save I have ever done in Rhino 3D–has been save small with no textures, as they are all in the folders with the projects, as they should be.
The problem is exasperated: even if you do a Save with Save Small without textures saved, Rhino doesn’t remember, or doesn’t check the file attributes or payload.
Does anyone really want to do a Save Small–with embedded textures?
This design flaw is a persistent problem for me. If it even remembered my choice from last time, it would not be so bad. If to a CTRL-S, the sidecars are saved–even if I asked to not save them last time. Ick!
So, every file save must be done through the Save-As menu, and then I need to uncheck everything, and if I make even one mistake, I have to delete the sidecar folder–and then find the textures next time.
Saving with textures might be good for people who do a small project, but with a large project with multiple version, or if a document trail is necessary–then save with textures become quite a mess.
I have 365 version of the same project, using the same textures. The files are quite manageable as save-small, later to put into 7zip archives, but with the sidecar folders, it would be unmanageable.
And here are some other people who really want to save small-without textures.
And here is another:
And another:
More happines, not:
This the thread where the incremental Save small, was made impossible because of a change.
I am sorry, but is an exception to Rhino 3D’s excellent user interface. Save small should save small by default and get fluffy as an option : )
Hi there!.. I really need also to be able to disable the “texture” when _save and _savesmall … At least in my workflow… if ever needed to share a file with textures I would then go to "_saveas
Is there any possibility to check or uncheck the rhino save options … like user preferences?
(well partially solved… the NeverEmbedFiles, actually removes completely the ability to embed the textures even in a SaveAS… so I will need to turn on and off depending the situation) …
No, last I checked, it still wanted to save texture folders.
It used to work, then I guess someone forget to save their textures, which really doesn’t work if you are working on anything large–so anyone who needs either an accounting of their work, makes changes with broad brushstrrokes–is hobbled by this, daily.
What a cumbersome “Save Small”
Save small should be–just that. I also did not one but two articles, showing that 7zip will compress Rhino 3D files–to about 20% of their size, and that is in a non-solid archive.