A simple change from a 2x4 wall to Brick on CMW… causes the walls to dissappear. I’ve tried masonry as well, and that disappears. Anyone else experience this bug? In the picture, I have the “invisible” walls selected.
Hi Denzel, can you share that 3dm file? can you reproduce this error in a new document?
I did indeed reproduce this error. Its doing that for most of my wall types.
Have you checked levels. Sometimes it gets snaped to another level. Use project tab on while using plan mode
@Denzel_Hill could you share a file that we can use to reproduce the error?.
It ssays my file is too large. Regardless, I opened up another rhino doc and duplicated the same error. Something is off.
However, when I make my own wall types, everything shows up fine.
Hi Denzel, you can use wetransfer.com to share the file, or just save a reduced version of it that we can use to reproduce this error. Without a file, it’s very difficult to figure out what’s happening.
Just in case, go to the wall styles dialog (vaWallStyles) and double-check that all your wall styles have at least one Layer component.