Just wonder if this has been or could be added to RIR?
I’ve tried with it but only works on active document, don’t know if it can work more like the Exclude way in Element Geometry (with or without transaction)?
For walls,
“Element Geometry + Exclude” & “Element Geometry”
By doing Boolean different these two the result are cutout geometries of hosted elements (windows, doors, etc)
Yes I need the wall geometry without the profile.
And hopefully work for linked elements …
For example, like say a hole was made by edit profile (not hosted element), and here I try to retrieve not only that hole’s geometry but also the original wall geometry (exclude the whole).
I see you just need the geometry of the wall if it does not have any profile.
What about the ends? I mean if the wall is chamfered with another wall at the end do you want the resulting geometry chamfered? If the wall is extended to another element (floor, roof) at top do you need the geometry also extended?
What do you want to do with the resulting geometry after?
I’m still working on the algorithm…Sorry for the late reply.
I hope the attached file and image below elaborate a bit what I’m trying to do.
To keep things step by step, the example only discuss the “Room Side Face” at the time.
The difficulties mainly lie on the wall openings (both components & profile) on different types of wall family (Basic, Curtain, Stacked, In-placed)