VSR end of Life-

Thanks @tom and @jordi.rovira for giving me the extra context and pricing info.

When I saw the big enterpricey involvement my BigMCAD BS Alarm Bells went off.

I’m familiar enough with the industry to know this smelled ‘fischig’. They are doing the typical ‘switch cost strategy’ of all big MCAD companies to convince automotive customers to switch. They priced it under 50% of Alias Surface subscription, and that gives plenty of room for PowerPoint slides to justify potential savings over time by switching.

Awesome business move for them, their user will end up with a better product than Alias in many ways, and this also helps the Rhino ecosystem. Yet Kajto is too rich for the rest of us, non-enterprise workers.

So let’s put that pricey thing away and let’s get back to talking about what Rhino can do better, and @John_Brock, do not worry: whatever you are building it will not be competing with Kajto, since most of us ain’t buying it no matter what.

BTW, every move from every other CAD company reminds me how much I love you guys at Rhino, no matter how much you drive me crazy sometimes. Thank you for being awesome and being there for us, the small users without enough Kajones.
