VS question - is everything in the bin directory mandatory


As I am trying to learn csharp and testing visual studio I see that upon build I see a bunch of files getting created in the bin folder not just the executable. There are also .dlls and .pak, .xml, .pdb, .log, .dat, etc.

Do I really need all of these?

Visual Studio is a very powerful programming tool developed over decades by developers for developers, with considerable input from the global developer community. Much of it’s power comes from "the “bunch of files” you mention. After you become familiar with the capabilities you need and discover the ones you find useful that you may not have even thought existed you will be in a position to answer your own question, and actually you are the only one who can answer it. As you gain familiarity with the various features you can discover which files you need and which you can delete. In the meantime, just leave them be.

I should also mention that many of them are transient; they come and go with each re-compile.

Thanks for the reply @AlW,

So you say that some of these may not be required. I’ll take a look in the definition for any “grayed out” imports.

Generally only the DLLs are needed. And .exe if you create an application.

When you create a Rhino plug-in remember that the DLL you are going to load should have its extension renamed from .dll to .rhp.

Also remember to not copy any Rhino nor Eto DLLs into the folder your plug-in is created.

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The good thing about Rhino plugins is that I only get a couple of files in the bin.

But when I do more complex stuff or using 3rd party libraries from nuget I get a bunch of files I do not understand the purpose of.

In that case you can always just first copy your own DLLs to a new folder, then one by one dlls and other files that look important until your plug-in starts loading and functioning in Rhino :slight_smile:

Anyway, from nugets you probably get DLLs that you need, probably nothing else needed. But that is just a guess :slight_smile: