Hello, i tried to put on IES light or Spot, but no light going out. i tried to download a package of IES light but nothing work either
Anyone has the same problem ?
thanks a lot
Hello, i tried to put on IES light or Spot, but no light going out. i tried to download a package of IES light but nothing work either
Anyone has the same problem ?
thanks a lot
Assigned to Rendering > VRay category
Look like your light is placed above the ceiling. The source point of the light must be placed under the ceiling. Or is it and I see it wrong?
Hi no it is placed under the ceiling
So try much higher intensity values. You can type in 1e6 for 1.000.000.
thanks but it is what i did
look this spot light is alone in the middle of the space
nothing going out of it
Try Units-Radiant Pover with a value of 10, for example. Let me know the result.
debugging lighting issues, is usually done with render elements. Light, RawLight, and similar will help.
LightMix could speed up your test, as you can probe for multiple values very fast.
As Andrew suggested, changing the units is useful, but if you report what units is your model in will be more useful. The point is to figure out the physical dimensions of the cone (give or take).
Turning off all other lights sources, environment (incl. fog) and GI, combined with making the light no-decayable is easiest.
All or combination of some of those will quickly tell you whether the light is emitting, and emitting how much.
If things are still not satisfying, another quick test would be to isolate the light and a small cube/plane in a separate model. If that is still black (or not “emitting”) Share that simpler model with us, and we could investigate further
Quite frankly initially I was betting it is the source point being occluded, but you said it is not…