Vray 5 new sun improved doesnt work

Another bug found here.
Looking for more people with this one to.
I found that new improved sun isn’t working or at least doesn’t respond with interactive render if this is even a simple file 2 boxes for testing.
The sun up and sun down don’t do anything. IT simple wont go up or down to the horizon line and become more orange.

Moved to Vray category


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Please check the small video to exemplify want i meant, as the video recorded was a big bigger that the max recommended by rhino forum


No one with the same issue to report?

Here are anther example that demonstrates Vray sun improved working in Sketchup.
Unfortunately inside Rhino its not.

Sorry for the inconvenience. There was a bug in the current release that has been fixed.

Any patch fixes soon?

yup, soon…
