Voronoi3D: can I use surfaces which angles I would like to preserve?

I would like to generate 3D Voronoi structure that has to have several surfaces with specific angles within the result. Therefore, instead of generating random points population, my initial intuition was to generate some information from surfaces that I have fixed. I have done a bit of research on this but since my grasshopper knowledge and skills are very premature, it is very hard for me to understand things and do trials.

Description of the diagram above:

  1. the specific angles I would like to keep
  2. after I distributed the curves 3Dimensionally, the position of the curves can be reconfigured randomly in x and y axis, but not in z axis since I would like to keep the vertical organisation of the structure.
  3. the usable surfaces from the curves
  4. example of result that I would like to achieve which is a voronoi structure that contains these surfaces.

Several things that might help:

  • Voronoi pattern 45 angle (for 3d printing) (controlled angle to 45degree, but uses mathematical equation as reference instead of premade points or breps)
  • I consulted to chatgpt, yet I am highly not familiar with the methods so I think its better to consult to someone more experienced first with the time limitation:

Conceptual Section for Voronoi Generation.3dm (476.4 KB)

unnamed v0.gh (31.5 KB)

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