Voronoi with straight edges and curved nodes

Hi, I’m tring to mae a voronoi on a polysurface generated by revolving an arc in such a vay that I can 3d print the nodes and use straight rods as connections, I would like to achieve something like this:

I’m currently using Yang to generate my shape, but I’m convinced there must be a simpler solution

can somebody help?

But I cant find a way to have all my rods oriented along the gernerating surface

… too vague without some detailed picture or any attachment…

sorry it was 1 in the morning and I was a bit frustrated^^
so this is the shape I’m tring to crate in real world

this is the current state of my product:


I would like all the “rods” to be oriented on the generating surface, to have a more orderly look and to achieve cleaner looking nodes such as:

the code is a total mess becose I tried in 4 differet ways and none has worked, so maybe it’s my whole though prcess that is too convoluted at this point…
thanks for any help!
VORONOI_revolve.gh (92.7 KB)

I miss all your plugins, your definition is all orange for me :sweat_smile: … also is pretty hard to dive in such a big definition.
… ehm… probably same can be said by others about this:
(… and for myself in a couple of days… thanks to my extrememely volatile memory)

nodes V0.1.gh (43.7 KB)

Using SubDs for this kind of stuff feels like cheating.


For McNeel guys: