i was wondering if there is a way of creating gradient hatches or surfaces for voronoi cells
I thought about using fab tools for hatch until i realized there is no gradient hatch within rhino. so that was out the window.
I hope this will help you. Just change the gradient present to get this type of black and white colour. This is the old thread solution by @HS_Kim in grasshopper3d website
I believe he means to gradient within a cell. In which case you could make each cell a mesh and gradient via adding colors to the C input of the construct mesh component.
i like this approach since it is less work heave than kim’s -> will have a lot of cells later on
but i have 1 issue with it. you have a mesh out of 4 points
if i create a voronoi pattern and convert the cell to a mesh. I don’t get 1 face with multiple vertecies per cell -> i get multiple faces per cell -> and the collering with this method results in this:
There is nothing special. I open an image file that is converted to mesh, then populate it with points, then Voronoi, then meshing voronoi with @HS_Kim solution for meshing.
Then find to extreme point (here in diagonal, but could be random), find the color at these extreme. These colors are used for a gradiant (the equation). voronoi gradiant.gh (14.5 KB)