Voronoi Bubbles


New to Grasshopper here. I’ve been trying to replicate the Beijing Watercube effect for several days now. Came across this definition from someone in the grasshopper forum. Haven’t been able to reach the guy yet so I’m trying to see if someone here can see what’s wrong with my definition.

See, the bubbles are all deflated. Seems like the bubbles can only inflate 2 dimensionally…

Below is the file that I’ve been working on:
Voronio.gh (20.8 KB)

And here is the definition that the guy had posted for comparison:

Attachment is an updated version using K2. Hope it helps.

Voronoi_Bubbles_re.gh (12.3 KB)


If you’d like to achieve a more closer look like the water cube, by using relaxed voronoi, then, have a try “Voronax” plug-in.

Voronax_Bubbles_re.gh (23.9 KB)


Holy crap! Thanks for your reply! I’ve been trying to add you on the Grasshopper3D forum. (I think it is the same person as I recognize your dog :slight_smile:

I’ll take some time to look at the file. Grasshopper is such a daunting software to dive into especially when it feels like no one’s around to help.

Here’s what I did on Solidworks. Felt the software has limits so I decided to take the dive into Grasshopper:



Played around with it. Tried to make diamond bubbles and then copied the latter part of your definition and it worked fine. The Weaverbird constant quads sometimes do weird unexpected things though. Just need to tweak or workaround those glitches sometimes. Thanks.

Diamond Grasshopper.gh (13.4 KB)


Actually, for dia-grid panels, you don’t have to use Kangaroo…

BulgingDiagridPanels_re.gh (9.1 KB)


Hello guys, is there a method to achieve this in the newer versions of Rhino? I am using Rhino 7 and the Voronax component gives an error that it cant read the DLL for the plug in of the voronax.

Thanks :smiley:

Hi Kim!

I wanted to have a go on with your plugin but this one is missing:


Any thoughts on where to find that kangaroo component?


it should be this one in Kangaroo 2, under the Mesh tab:

Hi Inno,

Thanks for this!
Did you manage to get this to work?
When I replace the placeholder with your suggestion I get a voronoi point cloud and and rhino kinda crashes all the time

sadly Voronax is not compatible for Rhino8

Im done doing my own version of my ETFE. Thank you @HS_Kim for your attachment :pray:, I appreciate it a lot, saves me a lot of time as a total beginner using Rhino+Grasshopper. The attachment is still working on Rhino8. :100: