Has anyone else experience this?
If i switch to Arctic mode and try to capture to file or to clipboard, Rhino crashes without any dialog afterwards. (my file is quite large and made mostly out of meshes)
Version 6 SR24
(6.24.20079.23341, 20/03/19) (Windows10)
I’m quite convinced that this might be a specific problem. It was working perfect and at one point it started to crash. The only thing that I’ve done was to uninstall Enscape. Not sure if this can be related.
ok, I updated my drivers to
Primary OpenGL: NVIDIA GeForce GPU (NVidia) Memory: 1GB, Driver date: 4-3-2020 (M-D-Y). OpenGL Ver: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 445.87
So now Viewcapture in arctic doesn’t crash Rhino anymore, but, some other custom display modes that i’ve created based on arctic still produce a crash.
How do display modes work? I notice that sometimes custom displays produce different results on different machines. Are they related to graphic drivers?
Also I think that display modes are highly under-evaluated right now. They can produce nice diagrams very fast. Like line drawing with a little bit of shadow, as the one above. I think they deserve some"Display mode editor" separated from options.
Neither one of those display modes crashes here. I see you also have V-Ray (I don’t here) - is it possible that the the objects have V-Ray materials? Do the crashes still happen if you unload V-Ray?