I am trying to get a rendered image of what I see at vaSection view but it renders the whole view as usual. How can I get Section renders?
I use VisualARQ 2, Rhino 5 and V-Ray.
I am trying to get a rendered image of what I see at vaSection view but it renders the whole view as usual. How can I get Section renders?
I use VisualARQ 2, Rhino 5 and V-Ray.
Hi Cagatay,
V-Ray doesn’t support the VisualARQ sections or Rhino Clipping planes. In the last version 3.6 they developed their own clipping planes so you can use them for rendering the model in section. If you have an older version of V-Ray you can also try the Dyniamic Display plug-in, which will let you render the model in section (http://www.food4rhino.com/app/dynamic-display)
Hi @cagatay.yanaraltin, I’m glad to say that VisualARQ 2.6 supports the option to shot renders with the model in section (either when using section lines or when hiding levels). https://www.visualarq.com/2019/11/04/visualarq-2-6-available/
I just downloaded the last eval. version, I did not work with octane or enscape… is this only a vray related feature or am I missing something?
Hi Andreas, rendering the model in section should work with any render engine that works on Rhino, but it doesn’t work with real-time render views. Just in case, run the render with the Rhino render button.
Let me know if that makes any difference.
Tested vaSection (VA 2.10) with Rhino 7.4, Raytraced (Cycles) display mode - looks like this still is not working:
Did I overlook something?
Eugen, we haven’t fixed yet the support of real-time raytraced views in VisualARQ.
Ok, thanks! Looking forward…
Forgot to mention: it would be great if the sectioning would be visible in Enscape3D, too (does it count as a realtime raytraced view?)
Got to work around at the moment with standard clipping planes - which don’t allow for jogged sections of course.
Thank you!
Hi @Eugen in VisualARQ 2.13 we have fixed the display of VisualARQ objects and materials with the Rhino’s Raytraced mode. However, there are still issues when showing them in section, using VisualARQ sections or levels. I hope we can find a solution for that in future versions.