Variable Density Across Grid from an image

I’m looking to array an object across a grid and between shapes, but have the density of these pieces be more or less dense depending on an image sampler. I’m pretty inexperienced with Grasshopper, but I don’t really have an idea of where to start. I’ve attached a base file, there’s no associated script to piggyback from, sorry. If you have any questions, please let me know.
VariableDensity.3dm (82.8 KB)

there have been multiple examples posted in the past, either with kangeroo, or external plugns such as Javid | Food4Rhino or Nautilus | Food4Rhino. so start the search and you’ll find what your looking for, such as Image-based Circle Packing within a polygonal limit - Grasshopper / Kangaroo - McNeel Forum or Hex grid with adaptive density - Grasshopper / Kangaroo - McNeel Forum

I’ve been looking at these, and I’m working off of them, but they’re not what I’m looking for. I’m trying to array a geometry across a grid, but in the case of the attached file: have the arrayed geometries past a certain threshold of rotation not show up. (226.6 KB)

I figured it out, using the “pick and choose” and “smaller/greater than” I could select certain members based on their angle of rotation past a defined angle and remove them from my array