Vacuform Simulation - Kangaroo 2 Draping

I’m attempting to model the outcome of a digital fabrication workflow I’m learning for a class involving CNC milling surfaces developed in Rhino out of foam, then Vacuforming those surfaces.

I have the original surface chunks I sent to the CNC mill, but the native Rhino drape tool doesn’t do a good job of simulating the effect the Vacuform has on the pieces, which would cause scalloping between the pieces due to their proximity. The native drape command sort of just projects the draped surface onto the Cplane very rigidly.

I think there should be a relatively simple definition in Kangaroo for this task, but all the tutorials or threads I find online refer to Kangaroo 1 which I can’t seem to install correctly onto my computer.

If anyone has any simple advice I would greatly appreciate it.