Cloth simulation question

Hi - is there a current working (free) cloth simulation plugin?

One thing I’d like to be able to do is to model something by drawing a polygon, “attaching” edges, and letting the cloth drape, something like this:

With some adjustable typical cloth / physics parameters.


Hi -

You can do that with the Kangaroo plug-in.

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Thanks Wim -

It looked like it was only compatible up to Rhino V6, and even that was in beta.

I’m looking here - is there another place?


Hi Andrew -

Are you looking for information on how to install it? If so, that has been an integral part of Grasshopper since Rhino 6. So you don’t need to install anything.

If you are looking for examples, you should find several relevant threads right here…


Ah! Ok. I was just looking for one that’s compatible with Rhino 7. (20.0 KB)