V8 - Vector Printing Problems using Linetpyes

Hello All and @mary

I appreciate the newly added toggle to use model scale, however, this leads to unexpected corner behavior when I print to PDF. This behavior is exclusive to the vector printing and I don’t see it when I print to raster, see the example below:

I just use Identical settings for both linetypes with the exception of the “Use model units”, and all corner styles are set to Round.

for your reference,
Test Print.3dm (85.1 KB)
you can reproduce this issue on this empty file.

Thanks for the description and file, @tay.othman.

I have logged RH-82720/Join-Style-Issue-with-Vector-Preview-Printing
I found the Cap style was ok, that the issue is with Join style.

Let me know if I am missing anything.

Mary Ann Fugier

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Thank you @mary

I appreciate your promptness :slight_smile:

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Hello @mary @stevebaer

I see that you just fixed the big issue today which looks good, however, this issue persists when you try to vector print the same lines with “Tapered” style, see attached printed PDF using this mornings build.

Vector Print Thickness.3dm (77.3 KB)
Vector Print Thickness.pdf (6.9 KB)

I took care of the easy case. The tapered corners are quite a bit more difficult and may take longer to fix.


Thank you Steve! as always I appreciate your quick fixes.