V8 containers / toolbars / pallets

So, what’s the deal with the tool pallets?

was there any? did I miss anything?

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I guess when did we stop calling them pallets? v6?

and when did we stop calling them toolbars? v8wip?

oh are you referring to the UI elements that has buttons you click on them to execute rhino commands and macros?

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idk, what’s a container lol

where’d the toolbar options and files dialogue go?

yeah, where do I save the tool pallet files and modify them etc.?



Yes. Joking a side.

The new UI uses a new thing called Eto. Which is a good way of building UI elements in the modern day. Its essential feature that can be adapt to any dpi scaling with higher resolution monitors.

The new UI is built by containers (UI boxes) each container can hold toolbars , and Panels.
So toolbars will remain as tool-bars while containers are the “containers” that holds them.

This also helps you creating customizable UIs that you can change, revert to and share it with other people.


Oh snap. That all sounds really cool and makes sense. But if toolbars are still tool-bars, then where do I see them and the files etc?


V8 … ?

That are still the same RUI files

:face_with_monocle: :thinking: :thought_balloon:

Where’s the import RUI option?

I found toolbars but don’t see toolbars… lol

hmmm this is weird… “open rui file” hmm :thinking: :thought_balloon:

You link them through here,

then in the containers it will show up as a new toolbar group

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:exploding_head: where’d you get that dialogue though?

type “containers”

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I can feel this is a bit confusing at first, there is a betterway to arrange the UI customization tools, something to suggest for v9

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lol k maybe no dropdown menu for it…
secret button somewhere:

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ahhhh I see it now :star_struck:

K I can probably get used to that :sunglasses:

Honestly I been secretly panicking about V8 until now, thought maybe yall forgot the toolbar button files for the GUI :joy:

I been patiently waiting to make a fuss about it till now :rofl:

Thanks for helping! I feel alot better, weew! :sweat_smile:

I wasn’t sure if there were other threads on this already, and I wasn’t sure what containers really were yet lol

the good thing, containers can be saved seperately as rhw files and you can use them to switch your window layout based on a specific task or a resolution

I made one for my 1440p monitor, I will make another one for extra wide monitor as well.

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Hmmm, interesting… so it’s a way to get tools on separate monitors? I don’t remember if you could do that with toolbars in V5 or not, I guess you could. So, I’m not sure how to make use of these containers yet lol

My old pc with V5 was the only one I had multiple monitors on last, and I don’t use it much anymore.

I still need to build me a new pc for V7 n’ 8… still using 15" laptop :sweat_smile:

This very interesting :face_with_monocle: :thinking: :thought_balloon:

Now I just have to explain this to my collegues that don’t like learning new things :rofl: Maybe someday after they start learning V7 I’ll be like “k time to learn V8!” :sweat_smile:

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assuming you want to add a bigger monitor to your 15" laptop, you can have 2 UI configurations, so you can use one when the monitor is detached and another configuration when the monitor attached.

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