New toolbar system in Rhino 8

Rhino 8 documentation says:

“Rhino 8 uses a new toolbar system very different from the previous versions.”

I will save lots of time if someone (maybe @theoutside ?) makes video tutorial about it.

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Hi Andrew -
This is currently undergoing changes after user feedback and further documentation is on hold until this is stabilized.

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Hi @wim,
What’s the progress on the new system? as per vs Version 8 SR3
(8.3.24009.15001, 2024-01-09) there still seem to be several issues.
I don’t seem to be able to save as/export a toolbar from Rh8. I managed to Export a Container file but couldn’t re-import it.
Is the container concept going to be the new standard for savin exporting? is it going to be just as easy to deploy them as a plugin?


not getting noticed so trying similar question on:

I answered your question in the other post.


One year past since my original post. Is documentation still on hold?