Ran into a bug with multiple decals on a polysurface with transparency enabled for one. Issue shows in both Rendered and Raytraced mode. Here it is with everything set at 0% transparent:
Also to add - I’ve had more crashes in one afternoon using Decals in V8, than I think I’ve had in total using Rhino for the last 10 years. It’s massively prone to crashes - it’s literally save your file after every single decal, so you don’t lose work when it crashes. I’m on the latest release candidate.
ETA - It would be REALLY nice if the default behavior for Decals was for the widget to come up by default when they are added.
Hi Sky - I am not seeing this but probably doing it wrong - can you apply these to a box or anything that shows the problem and post that file or send to tech@mcneel.com?, with a link back to this topic in your comments…
I definitely am. I decided to finish it first, then use it for a basis for lessons. Then life got professionally incredibly busy. I’m going to eventually post the simple OML for all the primary surfaces, and all the blends - minus things like the body panel splits and such. It’s really a lesson in patch layout and clean/simple modeling, and certainly works well for that.