So, I wanted to see if rs.MeshObjects had by any chance been added to V6. It hasn’t unfortunately, but that’s a different subject. I saw it was not in the left sidebar in the python editor, but I wanted to make sure anyway, so I thought I would check the rs help page:
There, in the search box, I typed “meshobject”. I got the following:
(There’s tons more pages…)
That is not extremely helpful (to say the least), what might have been more helpful is simply a reported result that that entry does not exist in
- which would have confirmed its non-existence - and perhaps an offer to extend the search to the rest of the site.
So, then I decided to search for a method I know exists - lets say something really common like GetObject.
I got this:
Again, nothing that got me anywhere near the rhinoscriptsyntax method help topic. Searching for GetObject(), rs.GetObject, rhinoscriptsyntax.GetObject didn’t help either.
OK, next I pick out something from the left hand “modules” column, say layer, and click on the LayerName entry in the right column. That works, I get this:
Oh, actually, I wanted LayerNames, not LayerName - so I click on that one after. I get this:
Where is the entry? It’s scrolled up off the top of the page…
You can continue clicking on entries in the right column and mostly they open off-screen. Occasionally you see a piece of them just at the top.
C’mon guys… this is not really McNeel quality. It just isnt.