V6 - automatic placement text of small dimensions


would be possible to switch off automatic excenter extension of small dimensions? Or implicated in global annotation setting text choice “automatic” / “outside” / “inside”?

Eventually - small dimension line is always extended right - would be possible, when i manipulate with dimension text to other side, automatically extend the dimension line to the left side?

Thank you very much.


Let me see if I understand your question -
Do you mean you would like to have overrides for text placement included in dimstyles instead of being per-object overrides? (The settings that are now in a dropdown on object properties - Fit text: Auto/Inside/Right/Left)

About the second part - Do you mean extending the dimension line to underline the text when you move it to an arbitrary location? I’m not clear about that one.

Maybe an example would help.


yes that is right.

Or have a choice define “left or right” right during command:

I’m still missing something.
If the setting is in dimstyles, it would still be a 50/50 chance that it would be the way you want it, right?

Adding it to the command as an extra pick would be possible. That would still always be an override and not a style setting since it would deal with a specific dimension.
I think it could be a problem for scripting consistency. Maybe there’s a way to overcome that.

Is it just a matter of wanting the setting to be a mouse gesture rather than a pick in properties? Or is there more to what you’re asking?

Just looking at the gif - I wonder if the pick direction could be used, maybe? The dim falls on the side of the second pick, if it does not fit in the middle.


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Would that be better than the dimline position click?

Yeah- if it just follows the cursor on the third pick, that would be the most handy, I guess.




Yes, you are right, the setting in dimmstyle is not ideal solution - sorry, it was only “thought process”.

But “extra pick” for define direction (only for small dimensions) would be hlepful for faster work. Switching about 50% of small dimensions into properties is little bit infectivity…

After latest upgrade its works great! Thank you very much. Its is very useful.