Dim Hint Left/Right - How to select which way it goes while dimensioning?

Greetings, All.

Perhaps there’s already a simple way I don’t know yet. Is there a way to control with an arrow key or some other means which side of the dim the text is on WHILE you’re dimensioning? When set to Auto Rhino seems to randomly pick a side and I’m forced to stop and wade through menus to flip it to the other side. Surely I’m missing something? Thanks in advance for any feedback. Cheers.

hi @Brian_Jackson1 If set to auto, and it doesn’t fit, moving the mouse to left or right after you selected the two points to dimension, will allow you to move the dimension to left or right:


Does this answer your question?

Hi Gijs.

Thank you for the reply. Yes, I’m aware of this behavior. However I often align dims and snap to the ends of other dims in a string. Doing so often places the text on the wrong side of the extension lines. That is why I’m hoping that the behavior shown in your helpful video can be ‘locked’ to the correct side somehow before placing the dim, or a one-key toggle can flip sides. Trying to avoid constantly wading through the properties menu to flip it manually.



I’m not sure I follow, can you show an example?
If you know beforehand that you want things to align left or right, you could make different dimension styles for those.