V-Ray 3.60.01 is now available!

Hi Boris,

I didn’t know that we are in Rhino RC state. Are you sure? So far I know Rhino 6 is released and only SR will follow. We are in Rhino 6.1 RC2 state.

Stability is one of my most needed aspects too. The beta testing of VfR of the last 12 years shows me that a good testing is the best basic for a stable use during projects. Couldn’t we start the nightly betas again, also for Rhino 6?

VfR2 is rocksolid, I need it for projects and it’s a risk to jump to VfR3.6. Over the years I reported hundred of bugs and I would be glad to bring 3.6 to the old stability too. The best chance is to parallel use of VfR2 at Rhino5 and VfR3 at Rhino6.

Will we get the chance of a second SR for VfR a few weeks after VfR3.6 for Rhino 6 is released? Understand me, in the last years I lost my trust in the VfR development. VfR3 was released with a long ugly bug list in the background and fixes needed ages, since the development jumped to the SU and Revit version.
But things changed and I hope the new development team will more frequent release service releases. Is this hope right? Or are the Rhino user still in the third row? I would be glad to restart a powerful beta testing.

Please, start at Rhino 6 too.