I am trying to use the Rhino squish command in grasshopper. I have a python block that can run the command, but it requires baking to be part of the process. I am wondering if there is a way to use grasshopper meshes instead of ID’s selected from Rhino?
Oh wow! thank you that is all very helpful! I was looking to see if I could find a way to do this with python, as I am also trying to be able to un-squish curves to add onto the original surface. Squish issue.gh (13.6 KB)
*made trimesh border vertices use ‘co-circular’ goal, played with MeshMap and some surface morphing options to ‘unsquish’ some test curves - unsure that’s what you’re doing, though:
I’m not 100% sure if I understand what you are asking correctly, so I apologize if I am misunderstanding. But I would try setting either the mesh or points inputs to list access?