Using a texture from a scanned 3D model


I used an app called scaniverse to scan a rock so that I could use its texture. I was able to upload that scan into Rhino 7 with little problems, but now I need to take the texture from the rock and put it on other objects. I have tried exporting the whole scan and using that as a texture, that did not work. I tried exporting the texture of the uploaded 3D scan and using that texture on another model, that also did not work.

Does anyone have any suggestions for solutions or other resources that I could search through?

Thank you, any help is appreciated!

This may be a better task for the Adobe Substance suite of tools. Either just using the existing library of assets, or using Substance Sampler.

Hi @Julia_Nicholson
3D scan textures are usually a mess and will not directly be applicable to other objects. See this thread on how it can be done in Rhino 8.
HTH, Jakob

I’d need to see a small sample model to know for sure if it would work with your geometry, but in general, using the scan as a custom mapping object for another mesh with unwelded edges should work. Post a 3dm and I can look. The BakeMapping command in Rhino 8 might also be useful.

Couldn’t help myself :slight_smile:, I used a part of this scan for the test.

QuadRemesh of a scan uses the UVs from it > then UnweldEdges on the resulting mesh > enable multiple mapping channels and set up a second mapping channel (e.g. Box) for the new mesh > use BakeMapping to write the pixels from the scan UVs to the new Box map as a new image texture (optional) > use ToSubD to convert the quad mesh > bring in the new image texture as a new material and apply it making sure to use the proper mapping channel on the SubD.

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