Modifying 3D scanned data and adding textures

Hi, I am trying to modify a 3D scanned rock to resin print.
Each sides will be cut off using Boolean difference, and only the top surface will be remained as a 3D scan. I have noticed that the 3D scanned model is slightly flattened than the actual object. Is there a way to increase the texture height, add noise, etc? I am trying to keep the original rough and textures.

This is a quick vizualization in Blender.

Hi -

I’m not sure what that means. Can you post the 3dm file?

Hi Wim,

This is the from the textural object(attached gltf file) i want to add a rectangular volume underneath it. What could be the best way?

scene.gltf (36.4 KB)

file won’t open here. Can you post it as a rhino file please?

This glTF file should have an accompanying file named scene.bin in order to load correctly. You may be missing it but if not can you attach it here so we can investigate further?