Updates not active in Rhino 6 and WIP


in Rhino 6 and WIP I can’t get updates anymore. The PC has WLAN internet connection. On another PC updating works.

What to check?



Hi @wim,

I still have this problem on one PC. Also today I’ve got a customer call with the same problem.

Is this a server/certificate problem on your side?

Can you take a look please.



Check in Windows Task Manager under Services that the McNeel Update Service is running. Make sure that in its properties it is set to always run.

Hi @nathanletwory,

I’ve found it, but running/restarting didn’t help.

Other ideas?



Hi Michael - had it been stopped when you went in to check?
Have you tried rebooting the machine after you made sure that the service is up and running?

Hi Wim,

yes, nothing changed.


Hi Michael - are you currently running the latest public version? If not, we’ve seen cases where manually downloading and installing the newest version fixed the problem with the update service.

Hi Wim,

now I’ve deinstalled SR22, reinstalled SR23. The upgrade page isn’t ghosted anymore, but still says “no internet connection”, which isn’t true.



PS: Hi @Joachim_Kuntz, FYI the latest-changes link in german is broken: https://www.rhino3d.com/download/rhino-for-windows/6/latest/changes

@brian - any ideas on how to get the McNeel Update Service working again here?

@Michael_Meyer you’re the second person from Germany to mention this. Can you please direct message me your Windows Event logs from the McNeel section of event viewer?

  1. Open Event Viewer
  2. Browse to Application and Services Logs > McNeel
  3. Right-click McNeel, then click “Save events as…”
  4. Send me the .evtx file in a direct message.
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I’ve sent the evtx-file in a direct message now. Thanks

Your event logs say “Error, internet access is disabled. McNeel Update Service will not start”.

Do you have this registry key set:

This key exists (not defined by me):

And now?

OK, I just noticed that when the registry is set the way you describe, the next check is:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\McNeel\McNeelUpdate for an Enabled value.

What does yours say?

Well that’s confounding. Everything looks correct. Let me think…

Hey Brian,

Windows Update KB4532695 has been reported to cause network connectivity problems - worth checking if that (or indeed any Windows Update) was installed around the time Rhino Update stopped working.


Thanks - that wouldn’t explain why the logs show the update service refusing to start because of a McNeel specific setting.

This is logged as https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-57737

@Michael_Meyer I just noticed that the McNeel Update service is a 32-bit service, so it would be looking in:

for DisableInternetAccess


for Enabled

Can you please send me those two values?