Unrolling Surfaces while Preserving Texture Mapping?

I see the video, but based on that I have no idea what is happening or going wrong.

Can you paste the command line history, maybe it shows something. I assume when you run it nothing happens, correct?

The command line at the top of the video. I drag the script to the command line, then select the surface, point to the base point, and then nothing happens.

It doesn’t work in Rhino 6 here, but works in V5. Something must have changed, and that script was kind of a hack, so a lot of things can go wrong. I don’t have time at this point to investigate. Do you have Rhino 5 copy to try running it ?

OK thanks

Hello, I don’t know why I can’t visualize the previous images, but I think I’m involved in the same problem of this topic. I tried also to download the files you posted here but looks like they don’t exist anymore. I’m having problems with unrolling a surface keeping the texture mapping as it is, without deformation.

Here is my problem:

I used unwrap to apply the texture on the front and the sides of the chair, but I can’t find a way to flatten those surfaces for fabrication…

Here is the file

0_BeanBag.rar (815.2 KB)

Hope someone could help me

Hello - please try UnrollSrfUV - does that do a better job?


Hi Pascal thanks for unswering! It does a better job but not what I was looking for…

Hello Jarek, I want to unroll surfaces and keep the texture mapping, I used this script in previous versions but now, using rhino 7, it doesn’t work correctly. I don’t know if it is because it is no longer compatible or because the one I have has been damaged in some way. I appreciate any help on this. I would like to download the script again but I can’t find it


Hi Francisco,

I can see that in Rhino 5 all works fine but in Rhino 7 I am getting mixed results, sometimes it works sometimes not. I bet it has to do with OBJ export/import that has changed between Rhino versions as the “trick” the script is using is “baking” the textures on objects using Export/Import OBJ format before unrolling (Rhino does not have “bake texture coordinates” option.

Maybe you can post/send me a sample file you are trying to work with?

Here is the script (above link is dead for some reason):
UnrollWithTextCoords.rvb (3.5 KB)

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Unrollfail.3dm (129.1 KB)
Hi, I have gone to version 6 and the error persists. I have used different computers and in the best of cases I see that it creates meshes with wrong dimensions. Am I missing any part of the process?
I attached a file with the surfaces that I intend to unroll, in case you can take a look. Thanks!

Hi Francisco - try this

Bake one of your surfaces to a fairly high resolution.


Assign the material generated by Bake to the unrolled surface.



Hi, I did it that way and following the script commands, the problem has been solved once I run Rhino 7 as administrator. Has something similar happened to you? Is it natural or is there some kind of “glitch”?